All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.G. Borisova¹, O.V. Afanasjeva², O.А. Suleimanova²

Affiliation:  ¹Moscow State Linguistic University, ²Moscow City University

Abstract:  The paper focuses on discourse words (intensifying particles zhe, vot eigentlich, just, etc. and discourse-oriented word combinations po pravde govorja (frankly speaking), eventually and others) in European languages (Russian, German, English, French, Bulgarian), which work as intensifiers, i.e., emphasize a part of the text or part of the message. Most of these words are still etymologically and derivationally related to the words of the same root, moreover, they are regarded as meanings of these words, cf. Engl. just, Russ. a, Fr. mais, Germ. eigentlich.
The purpose of the paper is to explore the cognitive mechanisms which lead to semantic shifts in the semantic structure of the particles: they develop a new intensifying meaning. The research, based on the pragmatic analysis, revealed some cognitive patterns and models that make the words take on some new pragmatic functions.
The results obtained would add to better understanding of the ambivalent behavior of the particles; they may be also used to investigate semantic shifts in other particles.

Keywords:  discourse particles, intensifying particles, parenthetical word combinations, emphasis,
cognitive model, cognitive typology.

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For citation:  Borisova, E. G., Afanasjeva, O. V., & Suleimanova, O. А. (2017). Cognitive analysis of semantic shifts in the meaning of intensifying particles. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 14-19. (In Russ.).

Pages:  14-19

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