All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  O.A. Kostrova

Affiliation:  Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Abstract:  The paper continues the author’s previous work on evidentiality in German complement clauses. In this paper, the author offers a more exact definition of evidentiality as a category of fiction, distinguishing evidentiality as category and evidence as phenomenon. The analysis is based on speech act theory and takes into account relevance theory. The article expresses the opinion according to which the author creates a work of fiction as a global speech act that comprises many particular acts. Acts of reported speech include indirect speech and paraphrases of thoughts. The paper focuses on semantics of subjects that express real or supposed evidence owners.

Thus evidentiality is defined as a discursive category that indicates the relations between the person, who creates the information about an evident object, the narrator, who regards this person to be information owner, the fact of information transfer and the direction of information flow. The analysis applied helps elucidate implicit meanings of fiction, including the intention of the author or characters.

The results can be useful in lecturing on text interpretation, cognitive sciences, complement clauses and analysis of media texts.

Keywords:  state of evidentiality, evidence, verbs of speech and thinking, reported speech acts, complement clauses,metarepresentation, speaker meaning

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Pages:  14-23

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