All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”

STUDYING ARCHETYPIC STRUCTURES IN LANGUAGE AND MENTAL WORLDVIEWS (on the material of romantic and symbolist discourses)

STUDYING ARCHETYPIC STRUCTURES IN LANGUAGE AND MENTAL WORLDVIEWS (on the material of romantic and symbolist discourses)

Author:  1 - V.S. Sevastyanova, 2 - A.I. Dubskikh, 2 - S.V. Kharitonova

Affiliation:  1 - Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture, 2 - Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Abstract:  The authors analyze existing tendencies in studying archetypic structures in language and conceptual worldviews in the article. Using as research examples the works of German and Russian romanticists – the poets F. Gelderlin, F. Tyutchev, Novalis and also F. Sologub the authors of the article reveal the debatable parts of various approaches to perceiving the archetype concept in modern discourse, and also offer their own vision of the archetype problems.

In the analysis of archetypical structures it is necessary to emphasize the similarity and continuity of a certain universal form, which was consistent with the attitude of poets of different eras.

The results of this work can be used in reading lectures on cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, history of German literature of the late XVIIIth – early XIXth centuries, Russian literature abroad in XIX–XXth centuries, as well as in the writings on the problems of artistic consciousness in Russiaof this period.

Keywords:  archetype, linguistic worldviews, conceptual worldviews, discourse, romanticism, symbolism

References:  A. Literaturnyy arkhetip // Literaturnaya ucheba. 2001. Kniga shestaya. S. 169-177.
Bryusov V. Sochineniya: v 2-kh t. T. 2. Stat'i
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Meletinskiy E. Poetika mifa. M.: Izda-tel'skaya firma «Vostochnaya literatura» RAN, 1995.
Sevast'yanova V.S. Arkhetipika romanticheskogo dvoemiriya v poetike russkogo simvolizma: dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Magnitogorsk, 2004.
Toporov V. Mif. Ritual. Simvol. Obraz: Issledovaniya v oblasti mifopoeticheskogo: Izbrannoe. M.: Izdatel'skaya gruppa «Progress» – «Kul'tura», 1995.
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Pages:  33-38

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