All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.V. Budaev, A.P. Chudinov

Affiliation:  Ural State Pedagogical University

Abstract:  The paper reviews a number of studies, the titles of which contain intertextual references to G. Lakoff and M. Johnson’s seminal work Metaphors We Live by. The authors both introduce various cognitive studies of theoretical and practical value to readers and analyze five types of intertextual transformations of the title. The first type of transformation deals with the pronoun. Transformations of the pronoun we envisage substitution with a different pronoun (or noun) or complete elimination of the subject. The second type of transformation envisages modification of grammatical features, substitution of the verb to live by a verb with a different meaning and concurrent transformation of lexical and grammatical features. The third and the fourth types of transformation involve modifications of the noun metaphors and the preposition by, respectively.The last application of the precedent text consists in its expansion by means of inclusion of various components into the structure of the title.

Intertextual transformations of Metaphors We Live by in the titles allow researchers to both reflect their adherence to the cognitive methodology and indicate a new area of application of cognitive heuristics.

Keywords:  Metaphors We Live by, intertextuality, title, the theory of conceptual metaphor, G. Lakoff, M. Johnson

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Pages:  60-67

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