All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.M. Generalova, L.N. Rebrina

Affiliation:  Volgograd State University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to an urgent problem of substantial and structural specifics of studying the semantic case supported by the recent achievements in cognitive linguistics and to refining the status of a semantic case as a denotation of substantial structure of grammatical cases. In the course of the research a complex technique of the linguistic analysis is applied: along with the method of analysis of dictionary definitions, methods of description, semantic analysis and the interpretive approach are also used. Observation of the semantic case theory development and our own research allowed coming to the following conclusions. The main factor determining the status of a semantic case is its level localization which is closely connected with the basic processes of mental reflection of the world. The topical achievements of cognitive linguistics allow proving the special categorical status of a case, a denotative and significative originality of the case category as a conceptual category of high extent of abstraction. Such approach allows describing semantic cases through the minimum set of conceptual signs thanks to which the need of increasing their compartmentalization is excluded. As a conceptual category, each semantic case is implemented in language by its own inflectional paradigm where its various significa-tive judgment is provided. The dominating role in the event of a significative representation of the semantic case interpretation and explanation of the linguistic phenomena belongs to a concept of a semantic prospect, and also the data on world ontology.
The results of the research can be of interest in cognitive linguistics, theoretical grammar, the theory of crosscultural communication. The description of semantic cases system paradigms can make a contribution to the solution of practical tasks of linguodidactics, theory of translation and lexicogra-phy.

Keywords:  semantic case, case paradigm, conceptualization, categorization, significative interpretation

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Pages:  58-63

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