All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.S. Oshanova

Affiliation:  Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to pragmatic actualization of particles, as well as to studying the conceptual approaches in determining the semantic nature of the particles. The purpose of this work is the sys-tematization and description of communicative and pragmatic functions of the particles.
The author notes that the role of the particles is not reduced to the traditional manner of fixing the “semantic parameters” – the atomic values or logic functions are considered the linguistic-pragmatic load of particles. It should be noted that the use of particles is closely related to the pragmatic side of communication and reflects the specific principles of the national language functioning. To study and analyze the statements with the particles the author uses complex methods of research aimed at identifying their communicative and pragmatic features.
The article has a scientific importance because it implements the principle of comprehensiveness of linguistic units involved on the whole in the formation of cognitive and pragmatic statements of the base. According to the results of the study it has been found that the particles are directly linked to the personality of the language, they implement its communication objectives in a given situation of com-munication.

Keywords:  cognitive linguistics, particles, modality, pragmatics, communicative sense, discourse

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Pages:  114-117

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