All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.V. Kalinina, M.A. Trushkov

Affiliation:  Vyatka State University

Abstract:  The authors offer considering semantics of typical and imperceptible as the opposed zones on a scale of a cognitive categorization. The purpose of the article is to show possible aspects of the de-scription of objects and their signs on an axis “typical – imperceptible”.
The work is performed with application of methods of the systemic-functional and cognitive analysis of units of language, a method of semantic fields and a statistical method. As a material for the analysis the data of explanatory dictionaries of Russian, of the National Corpus of Russian, of Russian-language social network “VKontakte” have been taken.
“Typical” and “imperceptible” are understood as the mode categories of field structure which are organized around the superconcepts of the same name the central representative lexemes of which are typical and imperceptible with all semantic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic properties inherent in them. Peripheral zones of the analyzed fields reflect complexity of semantics of typical and imperceptible and are presented by synonymous units with the meanings ‘typical’ and ‘imperceptible’. The authors discuss the possibility of graduating objects and their signs as typical or imperceptible in the paper.
The results of the research are significant for deeper understanding of categorization mecha-nisms. In conclusion the authors raise the questions setting the further directions of researches in this area and outline the prospects of studying the semantics of typical and imperceptible as two poles on a scale of a cognitive categorization.

Keywords:  categorization, mode categories, superconcepts, semantics of typical, semantics of imperceptible

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Pages:  78-89

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