All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.A. Krasina, N.V. Perfilieva

Affiliation:  Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Abstract:  The article treats three quantitative units – ONE, TWO and THREE in structurally different Russian and Chinese. The authors carry out the comparative and contrastive study within the cate-gory of quantity – one of the most fundamental philosophical categories which empirically proves similarities and differences of varying cultural and historic traditions. The analysis is applied to denotations
of natural numbers ONE, TWO and THREE which along with the general meaning of quantity reveal a line of semantic and symbolic similarities and differences in typologically different Chinese and
The domain of the research is quantitative semantics; the target implies the description of quantitative meanings within cоgnitive symbolic semantics of graphemes – hieroglyphic signs and lexemes – verbal signs denoting quantity in differently structured languages. The authors also investigate quantitative semantics of numbers in Chinese on the content of modern lexicographical sources and ancient Chinese texts, e.g., 道德经 by 老子; 易经 by 周文王; dictionary of 说文解字 by 許慎.
Partial coincidence of semantic parameters, as well as meanings and senses is revealed which is typical for both language and cognitive semantics of elementary quantitative units in Russian and Chinese. The revealed isomorphism of semantic parameters of quantitative graphemes – hieroglyphic signs and lexemes makes conclude on similar cognitive processes in developing number systems and their expressions in differently structured languages.

Keywords:  category of quantity, cognitive semantics, quantitative semantics, grapheme, hieroglyphic sign,quantitative hieroglyph, semantic parameter, differently structured languages.

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For citation:  Krasina, E. A., & Perfilieva, N. V. (2018). Semantic parameters of quantitative units in structurally different languages. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 126-136. (In Russ.).

Pages:  126-136

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