All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  M.N. Latu

Affiliation:  Pyatigorsk State University

Abstract:  The article is devoted to the issues of academic knowledge organization and studying the character of systemic relations of technical terms. The author considers various sets of links that mostly express the correlation between the elements of naïve knowledge, which are defined by researchers while constructing semantic networks.

As a result of analysing the terminologies of astrophysics, nanotechnology and some other languages for special purposes that represent the priority spheres of academic knowledge, the author defines a body of more than 40 most frequent systemic relations that exist between academic concepts expressed by technical terms. Such prototypic relations reveal the peculiarities of systemacy of a technical term linked up to a number of adjacent terminology units within the domain and can be used to construct terminology networks. The author also describes the specificity of each systemic relation.
A number of complex relations based on the combination of two other certain links are put in context.

The article highlights some peculiarities of language representation and verbal expressions of the systemic relations that pave the way towards further study.

Keywords:  semantic relation, typology, technical term, systemacy, concept, terminological network.

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Acknowledgments:  The author expresses his gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation that financially supported the study: project No. 14.Z56.18.895-MK “The integrated cognitive study of language representation of systemic relations between technical terms in applied models of academic knowledge organization”.

For citation:  Latu, M. N. (2018). Types of systemic relations between technical terms in the academic knowledge network models // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 134-142. (In Russ.).

Pages:  134-142

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