All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  I.A. Marinchenko

Affiliation:  Far Eastern Federal University

Abstract:  The article deals with the language representation of the metaphorical model FRAGRANCE – IS CLOTHING in perfumery discourse on the material of online reviews of perfumes.

The purpose is to identify extralinguistic, personal and linguistic factors that lead to the convergence of the concepts FRAGRANCE and CLOTHING in the associative thinking of perfume fans.

The methodology of the study comes down to identifying situations that are part of the cognitive scenario of using fragrance as clothing. The author presents the list of these situations in accordance with the logical and temporal sequence of events. In the center of the analysis are the verbs of dressing and their interpretative potential.

This study deepens the knowledge of the mechanisms for the formation and functioning of metaphorical models in contemporary thematic discourse. As a result of the analysis, it is determined that the verbal metaphor is an important part of the nominative resource of the perfumery discourse, due to which in the metaphorical projection on the target area such properties of the source area as the ability to cover the body, envelope it, warm, decorate, protect, etc., are profiled. The active verbs of dressing allow to convey all the conceptual characteristics of an event as an action: activity, subject's volatility, controllability of action; effectiveness of impact. The description of the event acquires aspectually-temporal, qualitative and expressive characteristics.

Keywords:  prfume discourse, metaphorical model, scenario, dressing verbs, interpretation.

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For citation:  Marinchenko, I. A. (2018). Verbal metaphor in perfume discourse // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 101-107.
(In Russ.).

Pages:  101-107

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