All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Yu.M. Trofimova

Affiliation:  Ogarev Mordovia State University

Abstract:  The article is aimed at describing the cognitive model of text formation verbalized by means of cohesion in the historical text of Jordan’s Getica. Due to the semantic-cognitive and discourse-cognitive methods of analysis the author discovers the cognitive model as a combination of concepts revealing Jordan’s idea of constructing the text and arranging text information.
The arrangement of text information is regulated by the concepts TIME CORRELATION, SEQUENCE OF STATEMENTS, OTHER’S KNOWLEDGE and PERSONAL VIEWS.
A closer look on the discourse of chronicles the author used for his Getica helped to highlight the concept COHESIVE INTENSITY represented by Jordan’s frequent use of cohesion. The author of the article supposes that the non-native language of the historical text under study was influenced by some Gothic lexical peculiarities inherited in Getica which may be commented on as the concept of LEXICAL VARIETY.
The process of text formation and cohesion viewed from the historical and cognitive perspective seldom came under linguistic scrutiny. This fact testifies to the relevance and topicality of the cognitive interpretation of the historical text in general.
The results of the research may be effective in cognitive studies and in the work with historical texts thus contributing to adequate understanding them.

Keywords:  model, text information, text formation, cohesion, historical text.

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For citation:  Trofimova, Yu. M. (2019). Cohesion in cognitive modeling a historical text // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1,
82-90. (In Russ.).

Pages:  82-90

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