Author: E.V. Tankov
Affiliation: Khakass Technical Institute, Siberian Federal University
The article deals with content of concepts TRAUM and DREAM in German and English linguacultures. The author carries out conceptual and definitional analysis of the concepts on the basis of lexicographic materials and determines conceptual characteristics of the concepts. TRAUM and DREAM are compared by using cross-cultural analysis. The paper educes the peculiarities of the concepts. The study outlines situational parameters of the specified conceptual characteristics actualized.
The study has resulted in formulating conceptual characteristics of the concepts TRAUM and DREAM. These characteristics typical of both German and English language consciousness are Traumbild / dreaming, träumerischer Zustand / reverie, Wunsch / ambition, Fantasie / fantasy, (Selbst)Täuschung / (self-)delusion, Ideal / ideal. The conceptual characteristic marked in English lexicographic sources but absent in German is dream-goal.
The author presents situational parameters characterizing conceptual characteristics of concepts TRAUM and DREAM. These parameters include duration, prospectiveness, intentionality, possibility of realization, desiderative assessment and others.
The results obtained may be used in the area of cognitive linguistics, semantics, linguoculturology, ethnoliguistics.
concept TRAUM / DREAM, conceptual characteristic, situational parameter,
conceptual and definitional analysis, cross-cultural analysis.
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For citation: Tankov, E. V. (2019). Cross-cultural comparison of concepts TRAUM and DREAM. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 120-127. (In Russ.).
Pages: 120-127