Author: V.Y. Melikyan¹, A.V. Melikyan¹, V.V. Posidelova²
Affiliation: ¹ Southern Federal University, ² Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The article is concerned with the fixed phrase scheme «Когда + же + Pron1 + V!» in terms of syntactic phraseology theory: the authors describe signifying and signified, etymology, paradigmatics and syntagmatics; define its phraseological status.
It is established that the fixed phrase scheme possesses the compulsory unchangeable and changeable components: the first one does not contain any paradigmatic qualities due to the grammatical specificity of its inner form; the second one has incomplete part-of-speech and morphological paradigm. The fixed phrase scheme has zero syntactic paradigm. The fixed phrase scheme possesses a branched system of meanings and their variants. The part-of-speech and semantic (correlation with temporal meaning) specificity of the unchangeable component когда (when) determined the particular representation of the compulsory changeable component varying according to the type of meaning.
The inner form of the unchangeable component когда (the seme «time» and the seme «interrogation») is at large obsolete in the structure of the fixed phrase scheme due to the loss of the interrogative sentence status, however, in some meanings it is partially actualized. It determines variation in the phraseologization degree of the fixed phrase scheme in its different meanings. It is higher in the meanings representing the general-negative meaning. The phraseologization degree of the fixed phrase scheme is lower in the specifically-negative meaning due to the partial actualization of the inner form (the seme «time» to be precise).
All this contributes to the high pragmatic potential of the fixed phrase scheme, necessary for the effective communication in the context of colloquial dialogical speech.
Keywords: syntactic phraseology, syntactic phraseological units, fixed phrase scheme.
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Acknowledgments: The research is financially supported by the Southern Federal University.
For citation: Melikyan, V. Y., Melikyan, A. V., & Posidelova, V. V. (2019). Fixed phrase scheme «Когда + же + Pron1 + V!» in the Russian language. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 110-119. (In Russ.).
Pages: 110-119