All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  L.V. Kulikova

Affiliation:  Siberian Federal University

Abstract:  Mediation is a growing activity in the resolution of international conflicts. This paper explores the question of modeling a mediation discourse in the context of intercultural communication.
The author proposes a triadic model of intercultural mediation discourse, highlighting the main communicative levels of its implementation: international diplomatic, corporate in transnational cooperation and official interpersonal in various domains of intercultural interaction. The paper seeks to understand how the moderating role of a mediator is realized in the process of a conflict management between representatives of different linguocultures.
The results indicate that a wide range of interactive mediator’s techniques contribute to the constructive resolution of a dispute in the intercultural mediation discourse: synchronization of reference between the conflicting parties; alignment of semantic and pragmatic equivalence in interculturally complicated communication; application of the principle of priority in discourse interaction; pragmatic persuasive intention of the mediator as a common behavioral pattern in the mediative process. Different forms of discursive behaviour of participants in mediation communication, reflecting the national and cultural particularities of their communicative styles, are discussed.
The proposed conceptual model of the intercultural mediation discourse expands the methodology of its research in a discourse-analytical perspective.

Keywords:  discourse, intercultural differences, interactive techniques, analytical modeling.

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For citation:  Kulikova, L. V. (2019 Intercultural mediation: a discourse-analytical perspective. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3,
26-35. (In German).

Pages:  26-35

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