Author: N.A. Besedina, S.N. Stepanenko, O.V. Fedotova
Affiliation: Belgorod State University
This paper is an attempt to address morphological category of tense in English in the cognitive perspective by means of showing mechanisms of interaction between the conceptual and linguistic units.
The authors demonstrate how semantic changes originate in the conceptual processes exploiting the morphological tense forms to objectivize and represent a broad spectrum of lexico-grammatical categorical senses in the process of communication. To provide a description and explanation of these processes a cognitively-based theory of morphological representation, worked out within the framework of cognitive linguistics, is foregrounded.
The authors present a notion of morphological concept, model the process of morphological representation, single out mechanisms and factors influencing the formation of the new senses expressed by the tense forms in English. Finally, the research specially emphasizes the fact that the ability of tense forms to express a variety of meanings is caused by the conceptual processes, which underlie the morphological representation.
English morphology, tense forms, model of morphological representation, morphological concept,
cognitive mechanism, linguistic factors, integrative principle, configuration, abstraction.
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For citation: Besedina, N. A., Stepanenko, S. N., & Fedotova, O. V. (2019). Morphology of Tense in English: View from Cognitive Linguistics. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 85-95.
Pages: 85-95