Author: I.V. Beliaeva
Affiliation: Derzhavin Tambov State University
The article reveals the peculiar properties of the interpretive values of phraseological units with the zoonym component, which allow to describe their internal structure, their cognitive bases, and also to show the cognitive areas on which their interpretive potential is projected. The principal method used is the conceptual analysis.
The interpretive nature of phraseological categories is determined by structures of knowledge embedded in their conceptual basis. The phraseological meaning is the product of the secondary knowledge representation. In this way the phraseological units are considered from the perspective of human cognitive activity. The cognitive basis of interpretive meanings is represented by the conceptual links. These links are formed between the source area of interpretation and target area of interpretation. The category “animals” represents associative knowledge, which is used for the interpretation of such areas, as: “person”, “artifacts”, “abstract concept”, “event”, “form of perception”, “plants”, “inanimate nature”.
The analysis shows that the phraseological units realize the interpretive function of language and therefore enter various modus categories as their non-central elements.
The results of the project will expand the knowledge pool about phraseological categories and may be used in studying phraseology.
Keywords: unit, zoonym component, interpretive meaning, modus category, secondary interpretation.
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For citation: Beliaeva, I. V. (2019). The interpretive nature of phraseological units with the zoonym component. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 3, 103-109. (In Russ.).
Pages: 103-109