All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  E.V. Troshchenkova

Affiliation:  Saint-Petersburg State University

Abstract:  Digital environment created new communicative ecosystem for humans, to which they have hardly had time to adapt. Yet with great opportunities it is also a source of great dangers. As now we are learning to safely be part of this technologically enhanced ecosystem and have little idea of what happens to a community whose life is being centered around daily use of gadgets and permeated with social nets, the careful study of communication via these new media is needed.
One of the pressing problems is that communicative alignment, so important for the new media (oriented at collective architectures of content co-creation and collaborative agenda-setting and gatekeeping), is currently mostly studied in traditional face-to-face dialogical communication. Technology mediated communication, though it did bring back in a new form some important features of the old oral communication, still has significant peculiarities to be taken into account while one researches how people coordinate their communicative efforts in this digital datasphere.
The article is aimed at summarizing some of the research results regarding online user coordination in the American sociopolitical discourse and defining more precisely the basic concepts of “global communication strategy” and “coordination pattern” in the context of modern technologically mediated communication and new-type media.
The author raises a number of methodological issues regarding identification and description of individual coordination patterns in discourse analysis of sociopolitical discussions and considers the problems of communicative patterns interaction, where some of these patterns act as a link both within one global communicative strategy, contributing to its integrity, and between different strategies. The article illustrates the theoretical provisions by a case study of an Instagram discussion, showing a rift based on party preferences of users, typical for American sociopolitical discourse and discusses intragroup communicative alignment, inherent to this rift, as well as intergroup linguistic parasitism.
As a result, the author shows, the suggested approach to on-line alignment analysis makes it possible to take into account not only its simpler forms, focused on signal enhancement due to repetition or explicit support of the communicative actions of other participants in the discussions, but also advanced forms of coordination with the “division of labor”, when users’ contributions do not repeat, but complement each other

Keywords:  coordination pattern, global communicative strategy, communicative alignment,
sociopolitical discourse, technology mediated communication.

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For citation:  Troshchenkova, E. V. (2020). Coordination patterns of global strategies in users’ e-participation used for political struggle. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 12-21. (In Russ.).

Pages:  12-21

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