All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  N.N. Кislitsyna, О.G. Chernyavskaya

Affiliation:  V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Abstract:  The paper analyzes the interaction of verbal and non-verbal modes of information presentation within a visual channel. The verbal components are represented by written texts and non-verbal com-ponents are represented in the form of illustrations, photographs and graphics.
The purpose of the article is to identify the specific features and functions of verbal and non-verbal visual components in multimodal blog posts that constitute the psychological blog-discourse in order to describe their impact on communication and to study the effect of two semiotic codes integra-tion.
The methodology used in the research combines discourse analysis and corpus analysis tools (UAM Corpus Tool, UAM Image Tool and Sketch Engine). The multimodal linguistic corpus built by the authors consists of macroblogs created by psychologists and is devoted to marriage and family counseling. The corpus represents the American blogs on psychological issues.
The study has revealed that the visual components fulfil the expressive function as the dominant one, while the attractive, esthetic and informative functions are of a minor importance. The dominant function of verbal texts in blogs is the informative one.
The research enhances the methodology and provides the guidelines for a blog-discourse study.

Keywords:  multimodal text, multimodal discourse-analysis, non-verbal visual components,
psychological blog-discourse.

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For citation:  Кislitsyna, N. N., & Chernyavskaya, О. G. (2020). Multimodal analysis of discourse in English-language psychological blogs. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 64-76. (In Russ.).

Pages:  64-76

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