All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  M.V. Kamensky

Affiliation:  North Caucasus Federal University

Abstract:  The article deals with the reconstruction and interpretation of the postulates contained in L. Wittgenstein’s “Philosophical Investigations” (1953) in their application to discourse markers as a universal, cognitively charged phenomenon of discourse.
The research is conveyed through systematic application of the key postulates found in the two parts of “Philosophical Investigations” to the semantic, pragmatic, and cognitive layers of the functionality of discourse markers.
The results of the research are observed in: a) clarification of the role of discourse markers in the language game of interlocutors as discursive elements that define or modify the rules of that game and thus influence their behavior in the process of communication; b) specification of the role of discourse markers as pragmatic reference points of communication that evoke specific response actions in the process of communication; c) systematic description of the interrelation of cognitive and actional components in the discursive function of discourse markers related to the intentional regulation of communicative behavior.
The obtained results may be applied to further cognitive and functional study of discourse markers in various languages and cultures.

Keywords:  L. Wittgenstein, philosophy of language, discourse marker, cognitive-functional approach,
language play, meaning, pragmatics.

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For citation:  Kamensky, M. V. (2021). Postulates of the later L. Wittgenstein in cognitive-functional study of discourse markers: reconstruction and interpretation. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 2, 89-98. (In Russ.).

Pages:  89-98

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