All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  N.B. Gvishiani

Affiliation:  Lomonosov Moscow State University

Abstract:  The article dwells on the interaction of verbal and non-verbal components in different communicative media – painting, filmography, and art-reviews discourse.
In modern art, we come across various ‘mixed media’ in creating visual or moving images, which may also include the verbal component. The power of linguistic discourse is then applied in the spheres where traditionally other modes were found to prevail. In conceptualism, the word becomes a means of reflection and in neo surrealism – it fills expressive narratives growing into illocutionary speech acts.
In the article, text is considered as part of art-multimedia objects and the visual image – as incorporated into a verbal narrative. The dominant role of the verbal component is traced in the conceptual perception of art objects as well as in creating ‘potentially multimodal’ journalistic texts through concrete and abstract linguistic representation. If concrete representation is realized in referential meanings of words, abstract representation hinges on their emotive meanings.
It has been observed that whatever the word’s function in art-multimedia may be, it results in broadening the word’s semantic scope and extending its conceptual potential.

Keywords:  communicative media, art-multimedia, narrative discourse, linguocreativity, ‘potential multimodality’.

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For citation:  Gvishiani, N. B. (2022). A multimodal ‘text’: the linguopragmatic peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal components interacting in different communicative types of discourse. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 5-17. (In Russ.).

Pages:  15-17

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