Author: L.A. Kiseleva, Z.V. Todosienko
Affiliation: Bashkir State University
The aim of the work is to systematize and then compare the analysis of cognitive models that determine the direction of semantic derivation in the verbs of the physical process in three differ-ent-structure languages: Russian, English and Tatar.
As a factual material, predicates of the semantic group “glow/lighting” which have a branched system of derived values are involved. Using the methods of cognitive linguistics and se-mantic typology, the authors analyze the most productive models of metaphorical and metonymic transfer, the characteristics of these lexemes, thus revealing both universal and unique types of models.
As a result of the conducted research it is established that the secondary meanings of the predicates of the physical process realize the principle of anthropocentrism, since they indicate such denotative spheres connected with the life activity of a person as social, intellectual, emotional etc. The authors argue that there is a close relationship between metaphor and metonymy in the development of secondary values, since a similar model of semantic derivation (for example, “physical process → physical action”), even within the predicates of one group, may have either a metaphorical or metonymic nature.
The research demonstrates the importance of the results of the work for cognitive linguistics, comparative semasiology, linguistics of universals, semantic typology, translation studies and other relevant areas of modern linguistics.
semantic derivation, cognitive model, verbal predicates, metaphor, metonymy,
semantic universals/unique, anthropocentrism.
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For citation: Kiseleva, L. A., & Todosienko, Z. V. (2019). Cognitive foundations of semantic derivation in differential languages (on the material of verbal predicates of the physical process) // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 21-29. (In Russ.).
Pages: 21-29