Author: N.B. Ruzhentseva
Affiliation: Ural State Pedagogical University
The article deals with correlations between the cognitive and stylistic processes which, in their turn, determine the dynamics of the political text in the system of the popular printed mass media. The article uses the interdisciplinary cognitive-stylistic methodological foundation combining the ideas of cognitive linguistics, speech stylistics and media stylistics.
Pragmatization, virtualization, democratization, dialogization, discreteness and theatricality of mentality of the modern information consumer result in the fact that the political narrative adapts itself to the cognitive changes of the addressee. This happens: by way of expanding the distribution area of political news and emergence of a whole group of texts which can be provisionally called “para-political narrative”; by way of attracting attention and interest to virtual images – media figures; by way of profaning political information; by way of extremely democratic presentation of information; by way of adaptation of the text to perception of non-linear discrete information; via an arsenal of means of political information dialogization; and through the use of dramatic techniques of information representation.
A number of political texts within the system of the popular mass media have a light entertaining character bringing them close to the works of popular culture, including glossy publications. On the whole, political processes comparable to political texts, allow us to speak of continuous dynamics of political discourse keeping up with the times and changes of the cognitive motives of the addressee.
Keywords: print media, popular press, political narrative, cognitive changes, stylistic processes.
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Acknowledgments: The research is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project № 19-012-00465 А.
For citation: Ruzhentseva, N. B. (2019). Cognitive-stylistic processes in the popular print media political narrative // Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 1, 66-74. (In Russ.).
Pages: 66-74