All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Irina V. Zykova

Affiliation:  Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

One of the major concerns of contemporary phraseological theory is the detection of the "me-chanisms" by means of which phraseologisms are systemically created as signs reflecting a peculiar cul-tural worldview. To explore this issue we carried out a study of the images of English phraseologisms that describe various aspects of verbal communication (more than 2500 items). The conceptual analysis conducted showed that all the images of phraseologisms under consideration are created by eleven ma-cro-metaphorical conceptual models including VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS PLAY, VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS CRAFT, VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS JOURNEY, VERBAL COM-MUNICATION IS PAINTING, VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS TRADE/COMMERCE and others. The research findings revealed that the phraseological creativity of these macro-metaphorical conceptual models varies with regard to three main dimensions of its realization: quantitative (models produce different number of phraseological signs); qualitative (models generate phraseologisms the images of which differ in the degree of their diversity and heterogeneity); and dynamic (models are characterized by a different degree of activity and productivity in phraseological neology). In terms of these three di-mensions, VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS PLAY turned out to be the most creative in generating English phraseologisms in question. It is possible to conclude that eleven macro-metaphorical conceptual models discovered are cognitive "mechanisms" of particular phraseologisms processing which have different creative potential and, therefore, play a different (more/less significant) role in shaping the phraseological subsystem of the English language. The data obtained may be widely applicable in con-trastive phraseology, and in cross-cultural and cross-linguistic study of phraseology.

Keywords:  creativity, phraseological image, conceptual model, metaphorical concept


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Pages:  76-85

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