All-Russian academic journal
“Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”



Author:  Assel T. Shetiyeva

Affiliation:  Al-Faraby Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan, Almaty)

The article is devoted to the synthesis of scientific information about concepts. Received results of synthesis of scientific information allowed the constructing methodology of research of these units, i.e. methodology of the conceptual analysis.

We have used mind-mapping as a method of knowledge, development of scientific information. Construction of the mind-map (or a mental map) is based on the principles of work of a human brain – on associative thinking, visualization of mental images and complete perception. Mind-map includes the central image and the branches proceeding from this image. These branches generate the system of our associations and present the second level branches. We considered and described key images of each branch as a stimulus.

As a result we have two maps: 1) «Concept and technique of describing it» and 2) «Mind-map of the concept IMPERATIVE». The concept is the central image of both the maps. The first map represents theoretical generalization. It is consistently located on techniques and procedures of the conceptual analysis: the analysis of dictionary entries, definition of an etymological component, definition of derivational potentialities, identification of synonyms and antonyms, analysis of frequency of word-concept-name, analysis of the metaphors, analysis of idioms and construction of the association field. The second map is the result of theoretical research. It shows the semes of the concept IMPERATIVE revealed from the conceptual analysis.

Keywords:  concept, mind-map, mapping, analysis of the concept, imperative

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Pages:  33-44

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